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Coon Lake Improvement District
2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes > CLID Sept 24 2008
CLID Sept 24 2008
Nov 28, 2008 --

Call To Order

Meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m.

Board Member Present Mike Bury, Ron Croteau, Al Beck

Committee Members Present, Rick Jestus

Open Forum for Public Comments

No public comments

Approval of September 10, 2008 Board Meeting Minutes

Ron C. moved and Mike B seconded the motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Mike B. moved and Al B. seconded the motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as printed. Motion passed. Ron C. gave an update of the fiscal agency status and discussed dedicated funds from the dissolution of the Coon Lake Shoreliners

Old Business


Committee Reports - (Chair)




Ron C reported on the final business to ensure the County has received and accepted our approved 2009 budget and will include the $300 Service Fee


       Finance / Fundraising



Mike Bury gave a status report that action had been taken on the financial request from the 3 local cities and the County. It was not approved by any and a letter was read from the County Commissioner, Dennis Berg, denying the request and wishing the CLID luck receiving approval from the cities.

Mike B will contact Anoka County Wetlands Review Committee and MN DNR to inquire about the possibility of charging a daily use fee for boats using the Anoka County boat launch and the MN DNR public access.


       Communication / Publication


Rick J. will revise the homepage of the website to request more volunteering




Al B. suggested checking with the MN DNR for facts related to treatments done by grants and what type of treatment or action was taken for the west basin of Moore Lake in Fridley.


       Lake Plan


No Report

New Business

Discussion was held to move forward by working in committee. This is especially important at this time regarding research information gathering.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Future Meeting Dates Starting in October


       Board - 2nd Wednesday of each month


Respectfully Submitted By Mike Bury


Coon Lake Improvement District

Board Meeting

September 24, 2008

Meeting Minutes