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Coon Lake Improvement District
2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes > CLID June 24 2009
CLID June 24 2009
Jul 12, 2009 --


Coon Lake Improvement District
Board Meeting
June 24, 2009
Meeting Minutes
Call To Order
Meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. 
Board Member Present Mike Bury, Ron Croteau, Al Beck, Tim Donnay, Dave Koenig
Guest present: Josh Sturnam
Open Forum for Public Comments
No public comments
Approval of June 10, 2009 Board Meeting Minutes
Al Beck moved and Dave Koenig seconded the motion to accept the minutes as amended.   Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report
Ron Croteau; the dates for the disbursement of tax revenue from Anoka County will be 07/06/2009, 12/2/2009, and 1/30/2010.   Dave Koenig moved and Al Beck seconded the motion to accept the treasures report as presented. A copy of the treasurers report will be filed with the minutes. 
Old Business
Committee Reports - (Chair)
        1.       Administration
As of today’s date, June 24, the deadline for the vacant position on the board had not received any applications.    Dave Koenig motioned to re-open the nomination process for one week to continue looking for potential nominees. Motion was seconded by Tim Donnay. Motion passed.
The new deadline will be June 30, 2009.
Mike Bury is still looking for a recording secretary for meeting minute and record keeping.   A motion by Mike Bury to hire a recording secretary and pay them $20 per meeting. Motion seconded Tim Donnay. Motion failed.  
        2.       Finance / Fundraising
Josh Sturnam will work with Mike Bury to apply for a lake grant.              
In conjunction with that, we may be required to go through an annual audit beginning in February. 
        3.       Communication / Publication
Rick Justice will drop the second domain name www.clidmn.com and eliminate that expense.    
        4.       Lake Plan
PLM (Professional Lake Management) will be scheduled to treat the lake on Monday June 29th.
DNR has not approved the permit as of today.
Possible to spot treatment of CLP (Curly leaf pondweed) next spring.
CLID Board member will Invite PLM to the August 12 meeting to discuss lake plans.
Dave Koenig will set up next year (2010) treatment plan.
New Business
Annual Meeting: we will be following the annual meeting agenda from 2008. 
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Next Meeting:   July 8, 2009 at 7:00
Annual Meeting: July 22, 2009