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Coon Lake Improvement District
2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes > Public Notice of CLID Meetings
Public Notice of CLID Meetings
Feb 15, 2008 --

Date:        February 15, 2008

Subject:   Coon Lake Improvement District

For Public Notice

Please be advised that the Anoka County Board of Commissioners at a meeting

on January 8, 2008,  adopted the Resolution # 2008-10,

Order Establishing Coon Lake Improvement District.

 The five initial Board of Directors to the Coon Lake Improvement District were approved and appointed  by the Anoka County Board of Commissioners at a meeting on February 12, 2008. These Directors will serve until an election is held at the first Coon Lake Improvement District Annual Meeting pursuant to Anoka County Board Resolution #2008-10.


Meetings of the Coon Lake Improvement District are open meetings and are scheduled to begin February 27, 2008 and be held subsequently on the second and fourth Wednesday nights of each month until further notice.

 Meetings will be held at 7:00 PM at the

 Coon Lake Community and Senior Center,

 182 Forest Road, East Bethel, MN 55011

(In the Coon Lake Beach Community)

 Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact:

 Michael Bury

3431 Interlachen Dr NE

Ham Lake, MN 55304

 612 618 1372
