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Coon Lake Improvement District
2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes > CLID Feburary 11 2009
CLID Feburary 11 2009
Apr 5, 2009 --

MINUTES – Coon Lake Improvement District Board Meeting

February 11, 2009

Call to order: 7:05 by Chairman Mike Bury

Board Members present:

Board Members absent:

Guests Present: Robert DeRoche, Mike Gaynor

Open Forum for Public Comments

No Public Comment

Board Meeting Minutes – Tim Donnay, Secretary

A motion was made by Dave Koenig,to accept the minutes from the January board meeting as amended. The motion was seconded. All members voted aye to approve the amended minutes. The motion passed.

The minutes will be sent to the web master for posting on the CLID website.

Treasurer’s Report – Ron Croteau

Old Business

Treasurers’ Report from January 30,2009 Beginning balance was $825.20

The Shoreliners donated $1,198.34 to CLID

Interest earned on this account as of January 30, 2009 - $5.35

Expenses paid in January was $1,446.00 for Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust.

Ending Balance as of 02/04/2009: $582.89. Mike Bury made a motion was made by to accept the treasurer’s report as presented, motion was seconded. All members voted aye, the motion passed.

A motion was made by Al Beck and seconded to reimburse Mike Gaynor for $26.00 to cover the cost of the Post Office Box. Motion seconded, all members voted aye, motion carried.

A motion was made Dave Koenig and seconded to take over control of the of the website expenses starting in the month of April 2009. All members voted aye, motion carried.

Ron Croteau will speak with Lee Krueger of Anoka County regarding access to the CLID account with Wells Fargo for checking balances. Anoka County has not yet sent any statements or audit information to the CLID.

We have an estimated 450 PINS (property identification number) for a total of $135,000 for 2009. 50 % to be received in July, and the second 50% will be received in December.

Al Beck informed the CLID, that CLIA has approved the donation of another $2,000 to CLID for operating costs.

Committee Reports:

1. Administration – Ron Croteau

2. Finance/Fundraising – Mike Bury

Mike Bury, Al Beck, Tim Donnay, Dave Koenig, Ron Croteau