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Coon Lake Improvement District
2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes > CLID July 8 2009
CLID July 8 2009
Aug 20, 2009 --

Coon Lake Improvement District

Board Meeting

July 08, 2009

Meeting Minutes

Call To Order

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. 

Board Member Present: Mike Bury, Ron Croteau, Al Beck, Dave Koenig

Board Members Absent: Tim Donnay

Guests present:  Josh Sturnam, Keith VonDelinde, Barb Bouljon, Steve Olson, and John Gorowski


Open Forum for Public Comments

No public comments


Approval of June 24, 2009 Board Meeting Minutes

Al Beck moved and Dave Koenig seconded the motion to accept the minutes as amended.   Motion passed.


Treasurer’s Report

Ron Croteau informed the Board that the date of the disbursement of tax revenue from Anoka County was 07/06/2009. Funds were received in the amount of $$68,676.82 into the fund held at the County arranged account. This payment was more than half of the approx $135,000 assessed property owners for the year. This is due to some residents paying their entire tax liability on May 15th rather than split it. Subsequent disbursals will be on 12/2/2009, and 1/30/2010.   The treasurer’s report indicated there were expenses for the month for the mailing of the notice of annual meeting and DNR permit fees totaling $1,029.84. The balance in the treasury is $69,990.14.  Dave Koenig moved and Al Beck seconded the motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented.  A copy of the treasurer’s report will be filed with the minutes. 


Old Business



Committee Reports - (Chair)


        1.       Administration

Keith VonDelinde submitted all the required information within the one-week extended deadline, and has volunteered to be a candidate Tim Donnay’s board position expiring on July 22nd.


Barb Bouljon has volunteered to help as an election official at the July 22nd annual meeting. Mike Bury indicated that Jean Bury will help verify signatures and collect ballots as well. Muriel Maskalans has also volunteered.  One absentee ballot has been requested, and Barb will mail that out.


        2.       Finance / Fundraising

Mike Bury brought us up to speed on the $10,000 grant application that has been accepted, and is pending finalization of some administrative details.   The original grant application did not agree with the assessment and had to be modified.


        3.       Communication / Publication

No report    


        4.       Lake Plan

The DNR has approved in principal our permit, and is awaiting finalization.  PLM (Professional Lake Management) will be scheduled to treat the lake around July 13th pending completion of paperwork details, and weather being conducive to treatment.


Dave Koenig presented a draft of presentation information for the annual meeting, and explained the various possible future treatment options. It was discussed that we did not have the funds to do an early treatment of Curly Leaf Pondweed this year, but we wanted to do so next year.


PLM has agreed to attend the August 12 Board meeting to discuss lake plans.


New Business

Annual Meeting:  roles for presentation of materials were assigned. 

It was discussed that we wanted to consider the purchase of GPS software to convert GPS readings to a plot map for spotter teams, survey work, and considering treatment areas.



Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.


Next Meeting:   Annual Meeting:  July 22, 2009 at 6:30

Next Meeting:   Board Meeting:  August 12, 2009 at 7:00